Everything is Awesome
I’ll Make a Man Out of You
I Just Can’t Wait to be King
Can You Feel the Love Tonight
This Town
Little Mermaid Medley
You’ve Got a Friend In Me
When You Believe
Hakuna Matata
Tarzan Medley
Best Years of Our Lives
Encore: You’ve Got a Forte!
Cast Members
Katylin Brooks, Emily Ford, Charlyn Johnson, Hailey Johnson, Ashton Johnson, Jess Rowe, Erin Swift, Kaitylin Tippetts, Emma Baugh, Courtney Budge, Miriam Gearheart, Pyper Gill, Abby Henry, Ashlyn Jeppson, Sandy Montgomery, Ashley Nelson, Alena Sintay, Karissa Wallace, Isaac Baugh, Kaden Beus, Cole Brooks, Jake Bullock, Josh Cahoon, Nathan Cahoon, Jonas Childers, Gavin Briggs, Kelton Brooks, Jace Harrison, Kady Harrison, Jayden Jeppson, Justin Naef, Alden Nieman, Sierra Jones, Briana Tippetts, Teiga Belliston, Rachael Ford, Emma Johnson, Elida Wadsworth, Faith Larson, Megan Anderson.